Elizabeth Webb, later Payne




On ___, 1802 (baptized August 19, 1802), at ___

John Payne, on ___, 1822, at ___

On ___, 1872 (other evidence: between April and June 1878, at ___ in Mildenhall




John Webb, Maria Webb née Shingles

John Webb, Susan Webb, Henry Webb, Sarah Webb, Frances Webb, Mary Webb, James Webb, William Webb

Phoebe Payne, David Payne, Isaac Payne, Thomas Payne, Jabez Payne, Mary Payne, James Payne, Robert Payne.



Gravestone of Elizabeth Webb. Volunteers, anyone?


Note that the line of one Angela of Canberra is through Elizabeth and her son Jabez Payne.



(1) Date of birth, name of husband, year of marriage, parents, siblings: personal communication from Lynn G. Anderson, December 16, 2000

(2) Names of children, date of baptism, quarter of death and year (as 1878): Lynn G. Anderson’s typed-up family tree, long version, dated early 2001, page “docu0008”.


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